Do not Belittle It

Sometimes we do a bad injustice to ourselves when we look down on our small accomplishments. Those victories that might not seem big to other people. It should not be their opinions that should count, that should sign, seal and deliver what those minute victories mean. You overcame, you won, you accomplish no matter how small. You did it. And that is and should be a very BIG DEAL.🙂👍🏽

Dei gratia ne cede malis

Attitude can be the hero or villain in the room. Your choice.🤔

Dear God, I pray for peace for those who need it and for continual peace for those who have it. Amen

Keep Your Eyes On Them

In spite of the negative in the world there is still some good. Do not forget to keep your eyes on the good things in this world.

Dei gratia ne cede malis

Attitude can be the hero or villain in the room. Your choice.🤔

Dear God, I pray for peace for those who need it and for continual peace for those who have it. Amen.

Imperfect Love

Even though we as humans cannot love perfectly, it still does not mean we should not try. How much love we have for someone will be determine by our actions.

Dei gratia ne cede malis

Attitude can be the hero or villain in the room. Your choice.🤔

Dear God, I pray for peace for those who need it and for continual peace for those who have it. Amen.