It’s Code, please

Ever since I was younger, I have loved writing stories where, in the end, the bad guys always got what they deserved. Injustice was given. Justice was returned.

When fourth grade math teacher and amateur sleuth Code Patterson and Detective Silas Armstrong were created for the cozy mystery series Code & Silas Mysteries, I wanted that to be their intention. And something else was added. Every present case that they were working on had a connection to a cold case. And that, for me, was important.

I wanted to show that no matter when a wrong was committed and justice seemed denied and was taking its time, in the end it showed up.

As it is in real life, we have to keep on fighting and pursuing what is right, based on truth, even when it seems foolish and ridiculous to others.

Dei gratia ne cede malis

Attitude can be the hero or villain in the room. Your choice 🤔

Dear God, I pray for peace for those who need it and for continual peace for those who have it. Amen

Meet The Unwrappers


How far would you go to catch criminals, especially if you’re not a detective or police officer? That’s the question that our mystery unwrappers thirteen-year-old Polly in Polly Parish Mysteries, twelve-year-old Jessica in Jessica, The Adventure Girl, twelve-year-old Abigail Asher in Memory Lane Adventures, forty-year-old Code Patterson in Code & Silas Mysteries, and twelve-year-old Eiffle in The Night Cats answer in their respective stories that are filled with adventure and danger.

Want to join these amateur sleuths?😉

3 stories, 1 book. Code & Silas Mysteries – Fourth grade math teacher Code Patterson “helps” Detective Silas Armstrong solve present day murder cases that are connected to cold cases. See an excerpt of it in the Excerpts category.

3 stories, 1 book. Polly Parish Mysteries Book 1 – With the reluctant help of her five adopted brothers, thirteen-year-old Polly Parish attracts danger in her quest in bringing criminals to justice. See an excerpt of it in the Excerpts category.

Where to buy Code & Silas

Barnes & Noble, Rakuten Kobo, SCRIBD, ODILO, Smashwords Store, Palace Marketplace, and Gardners

You can also purchase through Apple Books, Baker & Taylor, Vivlio, OverDrive, BorrowBox, bibliotheca, tolino, and hoopla.

Where you can buy Polly Parish Mysteries Book 1

Barnes & Noble, Rakuten Kobo, SCRIBD, ODILO, Smashwords Store, Palace Marketplace, and Gardners.

You can also purchase through Apple Books, Baker & Taylor, Vivlio, OverDrive, BorrowBox, bibliotheca, tolino, and hoopla.

The Night Cats – When a very valuable pin goes missing, twelve-year-old Eiffle Jeunesse from France, along with her shy neighbor, thirteen-year-old Sam Grey, team up to find it, bringing danger and adventure their way. See an excerpt of it in the Excerpts category.

Where to buy The Night Cats

Barnes & Noble, Rakuten Kobo,, SCRIBD, ODILO, Smashwords Store, Palace Marketplace, and Gardners

Apple Books, tolino, OverDrive, bibliotheca, Baker&Taylor, Vivlio, and BorrowBox

In print also.📚

Updates will be coming.🙂